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Sunday 16 November 2008

heroes "villains" recap

Heroes suffered a bit of a dip this week, in the excitement stakes. The program seems to have problems with making "flashback" episodes (the s2 one was pretty rubbish), but the flashforward type ones are always great. weird. It wasn't a bad episode at all, I just think more stories could have been explored (im sure we were promised a Parkman story?).

Anywho, the episode had three main focuses; the Petrelli's, Meredith/Flint and Sylar/Elle/HRG. As usual in this program, the Petrelli's provided the focus, and it was good to see the dynamic between Arthur/Angela/Linderman. The flashback kicked off with an anniversary party for the couple (and a welcome return for Peters curtains reminding us of when he wasnt an annoying character). Linderman and Arthur appear very close and plan to kill Nathan to prevent him uncovering his secrets. I don't understand why Arthur didn't just force Nathan to not investigate Linderman (by forcing thoughts into his head). seems a bit unnecessary to try and kill him when he could have just told him not to bother. Was nice to revisit the car crash, but unfortunately no new scenes there. The control we then see Arthur having over Angela is disturbing, after she overhears him and Linderman and runs for a knife. Arthur uses his powers so menacingly, even Maury Parkman seems moderate when compared to Mr P. I liked Linderman "healing" Angela's memory scars, thought that was a nice scene, and maybe explains why they were working together so closely in season 1 to blow up NY. The Haitian also seems to be loyal to Angela (as well as HRG). he has only been used intermittently this season, but his ability to stop peoples powers could prove vital for the "heroes" in the fight against Arthur, especially now he has Hiro's power! (aparently Peter/Nathan go in search of him soon).

Another focus was the creation of Sylar. Gabriel is introduced to the episode attempting to kill himself,and Elle coming to his rescue. I still hav eno idea why Kristen Bell is only a guest star, she is amazing. Zachary Quinto is also a brilliant actor and played the geeky, unaware, infatuated Gabriel fantastically. The chemistry between the two (seen before in the s2 finale) is brilliant and think we'll be seeing more of that soon. I was kindof egging Sylar on to kill that Trevor guy, he was pretty annoying. I guess this episode showed that Sylar can seriously control his hunger, and only when provoked does he use it for evil (ie by Elle/HRG). Nice little comment by HRG "I'm sure we'll be trakcing mr Gray down soon"...maybe not...

Meredith also had a large focus this episode along with her brother (and now villain) Flint. Flint came across really well, just easily manipulated, rather than a proper villian. there was a nice reference to Claude in this episode as well, aparently capturing Flint. Meredith made a pretty awesome agent for the company, but her loyalty ton her brother proved her downfall. I wonder how Flint got put in level 5? He does seem kindof harmless...The fight on the train was pretty nice, and a nice link to season 1 and claire as well...

it was a good episode, I guess its just frustrating that the story want furthered that much. Arthur is most defiately a "villain" i think. Angela has done some bad shit for sure, but Arthur is surely the true "baddy".
episode 9 promos/sneak peeks
promo #1

promo #2

sneak peek #1

peter surely told nathan not to hug him....
sneak peek #2-5

why cant Arthur just kill Mohinder ffs
a few tidbits:

  • the "catlayst" required has a link to one Heroes' power
  • Matt helps Angela come out of her coma
  • Sylar and Elle are reunited...
  • seth green will guest in ep 10!
  • the title is its coming...referring to the eclipse i think.

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