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Sunday 2 November 2008

eris quod sum recap

This was not one of the stronger episodes of the series but had a couple of excellent storylines. The main focus was the Petrelli brothers, predominantly Sylar and Peter. Sylar was brilliant in this episode, as he has been all season. His scenes started with Angela (in a coma) somehow managing to get into his dream. So her power is dreaming the future, and also general dream manipulation then? In a similar way that Parkmans is mind-reading but also general mind manipulation. I was confused about the next bit, Sylar is then told to use his power to get out of Level 5 by Angela. How is this possible? Surely level 5 must have some high security stuff that stops villains using their powers, otherwise it would be piss easy to get out. Sylar's arrival at Pinehearst, just as Mohinder is about to inject Peter with an altered formula, with a "Hello Mohinder" was reminiscent of season 1! After Arthur told him of his mothers supposed hatred for him, Sylar appears to switch sides. However, he is right when he says Angela is the only one who has accepted him for who he is. Sylar is not going to betray her, he blatantly slowed down Peter when he pushed him off!! Quite liked Peter this episode actually, he is better without powers!

Peter is rescued by Claire, who also had a pretty good storyline this episode. The return of Elle was brilliant (why is she only a guest star!!?), and they made a very good, very hot team. Lyle is so funny, he is such a random minor character, he is basically an extra! Is Lyle adopted? I cant remember. Was pretty cool when he poured the water on Elle "Lyle style" lmao. Elle is so desperate to get rid/control her power she still went into Pinehearst despite the quite drastic warning of Peter getting thrown out of a window.

Mohinder was reaaaaaly annoying again in this episode, and his power is very confusing. He pretty much flew out of that wondow with Maya, how? I'm sure he can climb walls, make webs etc but Spiderman cant fly. It pisses me off how Mohinder still tries to be the moral centre of the world, like when he attacked Sylar and criticised Arthur for faking his death. He didnt seem to remember he had just tied 5/6 people up in webs to experiment with them hmmm...I dont understand why Arthur needs Mohinder, surely the perfected version of the formula is the one he already has? nathan/tracy seem fine and they have been injected with it, why does It need altering? And surely of all the scientists in the world, Mohinder cant be the best? I actually thought Maya would die, but she has been written out of the program and i doubt she will appear again.

This episode witnessed the death of Maury Parkman, it was a bit stupid of him to stand up to Arthur, although it was a pretty heroic death trying to save his son. Knox appeared to be Arthur's right hand man, charged with going after Daphne and making sure she killed Matt. I really thought they were both dead when Know punched him, and was so relieved when it just turned out tobe mind tricks!! Daphne is double crossing Matt though, and when they invetably go to Primatech, she will be reporting back to Arthur. How did Matt not realise this, considering he can read minds? Is she really double crosiing Arthur as well? Was it planned all along to keep Matt alive?

Usustu is starting to annoy me now. His speeches are getting a bit too prophetic, annoying and reminiscent of some of Legolas' in LOTR! The cliffhanger at the end was a bit shit as well, as if Hiro is going to be dead, especially not at the hands of Usutu.

episode 8 will be on in 2 weeks, because of the election. it is called "Villians"
promo #1

promo #2

sneak peek #1

This episode will be set in the past.
a few minor spoilers:

  • Nathans car crash will be revisited
  • Hiro goes back in time
  • Elle and Sylar have a romantic past
  • More about Sylars abilities will be revealed
  • Parkman was friends with a villain
Pinehearst: Arthur, Mohinder, Elle, Knox, Flint, Sylar (undercover?)
Primatech: Angela, Peter, Nathan, Matt, Noah, Claire, Meredith, Tracy(?), Hiro, Ando, Daphne (undercover?)

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