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Thursday 16 October 2008

angels and monsters

Another very strong showing for Heroes, the character development has been excellent this season imo and we have even more insight into who will be Heroes/Villains come the end of the season. FUCKING HELL ANDO IS DEAD AND HIRO KILLED HIM!!! well....there has to be a twist here (Hiro does have a rather useful power in this scenario...), Hiro wouldn't kill Ando! it's just not in his nature...I am glad that Adam is back, he is a great character, and hopefully he will get alot of scenes in episode 6. Peter trying to kill Angela was a brilliant scene, and a great Petrelli family showdown (we will surely see alot more in family fighting soon...), Sylar defended her! Also, the Vortex villian was another great insight into how "killers" are not necessarily bad people in the show, and are just unable to control their powers (like Ted in season 1-radioactive man-killed his wife). It was great that Sylar saved Claire and the whole dynamic between them 3 was also utstadning. Does Claire know he's her uncle yet? The carousle scene was another good 'un, loving noah's attempt to destroy Sylar (come on we knew it wasnt going to happen), but it will be interesting to see if they wil still be partners once they return to the company... Mohinder is going even crazier, with his victims alive, strung up on the wall, now including Maya...she is looking pretty fine these days, but lets be honest she should have been killed off a while ago...Nathan and Tracy are standardly going to be his next victims! One of the big "shocks" of the episode wa the return of Arthur Petrelli (and Maury Parkman! who had been giving Nathan and Daphne all those Linderman visions). Wonder what Arthurs power is!
Pinehearst and "the company" will now surely battle it out with heroes and villians supposedly on both sides..
HEROES: Hiro, Daphne, Parkman (if recruited)
VILLAINS: Maury, Adam, Mohinder (if recruited), Arthur Petrelli maybe, Knox

HEROES:Peter, Nathan, Sylar, Noah, Claire, Claires mum,
VILLAINS: Angela(?), Tracy (?)

Elle is returning soon, cant wait!

trailer for epi 6


sneak peek!

a few spoilers for the next episode, i have unfortunately read some major ones :(

  • a villian dies
  • we find out Arthurs power
  • we find out how claire is special/different
  • claire and sandra go after meredith...

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