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Thursday 12 February 2009

skinsmusic series 3 episode 3

Episode 3 was undeniably a big improvement for the series. a small recap an music guide below.

Episode 3 introduced Thomas (why wasnt this done before?) who is already my favourite of the new cast. Him and quiet twin are the only ones I like...although it does look a bit like they will fuck up the quiet twin lesbian storyline. Thomas provided a breath of fresh air, with the first real glimpses of a character with depth this series (Effy did in series 1 and 2, but not at the moment...). I do have quite alot of issues with this episode...
1) The Thomas and Pandora (eugh) love story is so ridiculously unbelievable...he had the pick of the girls why pick the ugliest most annoying one?!!!
2) Mackensie Crook's character continues to be pointless. Yeah he is a good actor, but I have no idea why his character was introduced, a crap, more unbelievable version of Mad Twatter from s1 (he only lasted 3 episodes, lets hope this one will follow suit).
3) the underground party. its like they had run out of "cool" places to have a party so went for a sewer...
4) None of them even like each other, yet they still hang around, and dont even seem to interact.
5) Thomas being sent back home. WTF? he had better be back soon.
The next episode is Pandora centric, aparently the girls have a party and Cook wants to get in. Sounds exciting...ahem...
I have been reading a few upcoming episode synopsis on wiki, and looking back over the last 2 series. It almost feels disrespectful how bad this is in comparison. I wouldnt mind (i wouldnt be watching) if this was a different show, with a different name, with no association to the original characters. Thomas seems to be the only character with anything like the depth or complexity that Chris, Jal, Tony, Maxxie, Michelle, Cassie, Sid, Sketch...even Anwar had.! Really good this episode, nothing I was familiar with, but all great!
Mapaputsi - Kleva
DJ Zhao - Kwaito
Buraka Som Sistema - Luanda Lisboa
Kanda Bongo Man - Lela Lela
Skinned Teen - Pillow Case Kisser
Barry White - Gonna Love You
Toumani Diabate - Bi Lamban
Mamadou Cissokho - Kora composition
Kanda Bongo Man - Sango
Kanda Bongo Man - Isambe
Fat Segal - Desperate Housewives
Fat Segal - Class Drumming
Gregory Isaacs - Rumours
Tom Tom Club - Genius of Love
Buraka Som Sistema - Sem Makas
Various Production - Diver
Aphex Twin - Untitled 10
Bhundu Boys - Ring of Fire
Mapaputsi - Kleva
Eye Adaba - Dramatico
Buraka Som Sistema - Yah

read about it here

catch the sneak peeks for tonights episode (if you really want to) here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

which one of these music titles is the techno one played while/after cook says 'cant you feel it kids?'s the sound of the underground!'?