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Monday 16 February 2009

lost: this place is death recap

"I'm not allowed to have chocolate before dinner."

Another brilliant episode, alot to cover so ill get right to it...
The episode kicks off with our first view of Ji-Yeon since her birth, Sun really isnt a very dedicated mother is she? What's gonna happen to her once Sun is back on the island? After Sun threatens him, Ben gets his mind games on and persuades Sun that he can prove Jin is still alive. Kate and Sayid promptly storm off (with all the talk that not all of them will go back, im starting to think Sayid might not go back...its hardly like there is anyone on the island for him). Ben then drives Sun and Jack to Hawking's church, delivering a classic line "I didn't account for traffic" (Michael Emersons delivery makes those lines legendary). Jack tries to apologise for his role in Jin's (near) death, but she shouts him down, 3 years late ffs! Benry then throws a strop the size of which we have only seen in "The Other Woman" (I am very excited for the Ben/Juliet reunion), shouting about how he has been protecting them. From who? Widmore? The Economist? So ironic that what persuades Sun is the exact same thing Jin uses to dissuade her. And obvi Ben went to see Locke, cant wait for that scene (it'll be in "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"-2 episodes time). Desmond then shows up, confimring ALL the theories that Hawking is faradays mum..and Ben doenst seem to know! We haven't quite got Desmonds reaction yet to Hawking being the woman from the jewellers who told him to break up with Penny. Cant wait for that! Now to the island....which was much more interesting again...
8 different time periods!!!
Time period 1 (November 1988)
The Frenchies are listening to the numbers transmitting from the radio tower...listen to that voice, it sounds so much like Hurley! Coincidence? Later it does sound like Damiel actually...we will see :D. The dialogue on the beach was class, "First a boat, now a helicopter, next it'll be a submarine!". The group trek towards the radio tower, but are soon intercepted by Smokey himself! This whole scene was reminiscent of the losties in season 1, a new group on the island who have no fucking clue what the hell this lethal cloud of smoke is! Also, dragging Montand into the ground like it did to locke in s1, but this time it wins. And Montand loses his arm! I got pretty excited haha. Vozzek has a pretty god theory about Montands "im hurt" and the subsequent sickness here. Turns out Jin pretty much saved Rousseau's life by stopping her going down there...Oh yeah it was the temple btw, that Richard et al headed to in the s3 finale...and Karl/Alex/Rousseau were headed when they met Keamys gang...
Time period 2 (January 1989)
The pain of each flash got more and more accentuated this episode, it looks fucking painful. Jin emerges form the undergrowth to view the famed Black Smoke Rousseau raves about in the s1 finale. Jin heads to the beach, where he discovers Danielles music box (which Sayid will later fix), and some musical intstruments (important? probably), oh yeah and 2 dead bodies. he then sees the showdown between Danielle and Robert. Very unerving imo, the sickness is shit scary,we learn where Rousseau hears that the monster is a "security system". After finishing off the father of her child, she turns on Jin...and he runs off into the jungle. What happened to the Frenchies down there?
Time period 3 (Unknown)
The Jin and Sawyer reunion was brilliant, love their relationship throughout the series, and both of their delight at seeing rhe other was profound and genuine! Sawyer explaining the time travel to Jin was very funny, espesh when he stormed off talking Korean. After a quick translaton by Charlotte, the gang get back on track towards the Orchid. Daniel discusses the logic of going to the orchid, with almost a disclaimer for the producers..."Thats where we leave science behind..."
Time period 4 (Unknown)
Gut wrenching pain...and then....
Time period 5 (Unknown)
Nosebleeds all round, and Charlotte collapses ranting in Korean, prompting a crazyily fearful lok from Jin, and her own translation "This place is death". Bloody hell that was chilling. Her consicence then starts flashing a la Minkowski/Dessie.
Time Period 6 (Unknown)
Charlottes flashes get worse and she references the Lost stalwart Geronimo Jackson.
"Look for the well" turns out to be damn god advice, what was she doing near the well/orchid as a child? Danny stays with her, but the rest reach the orchid with Locke, Juliet comments on the luck the orchid is built...and then....
Time Period 7 (Unknown)
The orchid is gone, but the well is there. Jin tells Locke not to bring Sun back, and tell her his body washed up on the shore, while Juliet thanks him for his martyrdom and he descends the rope...Charlotte reveals her story to Dan. She was a Dharma child, but her and her mum took off (who is her dad?), and she had been searching for the island her whole life since....Then came my favourite bit of the episode...Charlotte (baby voice and all) tells Dan about a scary, crazy man who told her never to come back to the island...and that man was Dan! So i gues the island will land in Dharma times, leading to Dan working in the Orchid etc...Then she dies...sad times, but if any islander was to die im glad it was her.
Time period 8 (Unknown)
Halfway down the rope, a flash causes locke to fall, seriously fucking his leg up. Christian comes creeping round the corner (wish i hadnt seen "John Terry" in the opening credits!). Important things to note:

  • Ben wasnt meant to turn the wheel, Locke was. Did Ben know this? It also seems Locke was supposed to bring the o6 back..but Ben seems ot have taken over that job as well...
  • Locke, after being so headstrong this season, is following orders again..this time by Christian.
  • Christian cant touch Locke?
  • Who the fuck is christian really? Good/bad? Representing Jacob? Suppresing Jacob.
  • Unhinged wheel...john pushes it..i doubt we'll see him next episode...cant wait til The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham
DarkUfo as usual is the place for all things lost

Promo for 316

Credits: DarkUFO | Lost Spoilers | SpoilerTV
Sneak peek #1

Where the hell is Aaron? Big one for the Jaters ^^
Sneak peek #2

i am so excited for 316!!!

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