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Sunday 31 May 2009

Fringe Season One Review

After a decent, albeit slightly haphazard, start, Fringe began to excel around the episode 10 mark, peaking in the fantastic "Ability" (ep14) and maintaining a very high standard right up to the season finale, "There's more than one of everything".

Fringe has quickly turned into one of my favourite shows on TV, and I'm relieved there is finally something that looks as though it can fill the huge gap in my TV schedule when Lost ends after next season. Fringe does brilliantly to combine individual interesting X-File like mysterious occurences each episode with overarching sci-fi lost-esque themes. The initial episodes were good, but it looked like it could be a down the line run of the mill cop drama with some sci-fi weird events going on. By the last few episodes it was clear this was nowhere near what this show is about. Like Lost, (although Abrams has little creative input into that show anymore) the show has already changed completely from where it started. While Lost took 26 episodes for a major game changer, Fringe introduced teleportation in episode 14 and the big mysterious powerful corporation (Massive Dynamic, to Fringe what Dharma is to Lost?) was introduced very early on. William Bell (sorry to keep comparing it to Lost but...Jacob?) took one season to appear...Jacob took 5. I wont spoil the final episode, but Fringe is firmly in the sci-fi territory now, the last scene was one of the best i've ever seen. Anna Torv, playing the main character Olivia Denham, deserves alot of credit, and has improved loads over the season.Joshua Jackson, John Noble and Lance Reddick were also brilliant.
If you've not seen it, use the long summer without new TV to start. Stream it on Fox if your in the US, or ninjavideo if not. DVD is out this autumn.

Season 2 has been confirmed. Aparently Kirk Acevedo has quit or been sacked. He plays Charlie Francis, a character that has been slightly underused...
Here is the trailer for season 2, beginning september 17th on Fox

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