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Tuesday 26 May 2009

big roundup of the last 11 weeks part 1

First part of a round-up of releases over the past 11 or so weeks

The Maccabees-Wall of Arms
Yes yes yes yes yes. The best release of the year? Pretty close. I really love this album, showing brilliant progression lyrically and musically from the pretty much immaculate Colour It In. Gutted I missed out on their tour and may well miss out on their October tour as well! My current favourite from the album...
The Maccabees-Can you give it? (mp3)

Maximo Park-Quicken the Heart
Mixed feelings about this one, Maximo's albums are always growers for me. I didnt really rate A Certain Trigger on first listen, but it became one of my favourite albums of all time! And Our Earthly Pleasures has improved a lot in the 2 years since it came out. I fully expect Quicken the Heart to be the same. At the moment, although the album has some quality tracks (Calm, The Kids are Sick Again, The Penultimate Clinch) it is let down by the less than average I Haven't Seen Her in Ages and Overland, West of Suez...For me it doesnt match either of the bands first two albums. I saw them on Friday and they were brilliant as usual, but the old tracks were sooooo mcuh better than the new ones. By the end of the year, I could be fully in love with it, but at the moment i'm not.
Maximo Park-Calm (mp3)

After 2 listens I really like Replase, it shouldt even be spoken about in the same sentence as the piece of shit that was Encore. I dont think Eminems ever going to match the brilliance of his fiorst 3 albums, but he does well to try. His flow is still ridiculously good when he wants it to be, but sometimes verges on the Ass Like That silliness that came to represent Encore. Randomly, a stand out track for me is My Mom, Dre's awesome production and Eminems top form throughout make up for the fact that he's talking about his mum AGAIN.
Eminem-My Mom

Jamie T-Sticks and Stones
Song of the year? His best so far? Cannot wait for this album/seeing him next month!
Jamie T-Sticks and Stones (mp3)

Passion Pit-Manners
Only listened once, I like it. Sleepyhead is by far and away my favourite, but the Reeling is also pretty good.
Passion Pit-The Reeling (mp3)

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