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Tuesday 27 May 2008

theres no place like home pts 2 and 3

i am getting stupidly excited for friday now. part 1 was such a classic lost build up episode. the flashforwards were brilliant, every single one, especially sun cussing down mr paik (who is blates involved with widmore), she must have had some help in buying a share in the company (ben anyone?). also, although not sure just how claires mum is alive, thought the scene where she told jack was brilliant, he acted it pretty well, and when she said "your baby is beautiful" to kate, it was so goood!! of course the numbers turning up again was great, and the press conference, and nadia!! ah too much goodness.
on the island, i loved the jack-sawyer team up, daniel finally actually helping the losties, the michael-jin-sun moment, dessie going crazy on the boat, ben just generally having a plan which is bound to be wicked, the return of the others!!! how reminiscent was that scene of "the hunting party" from season 2 when tom makes the classic speech "this is our island". i hope the others are headed for the orchid (pretty sure they are tbh) for a big showdown with keamys crew (even though the others have surely lost all of their best fighters; pickett, ryan, tom, mikhail, goodwin, ethan etc etc). i am convinced jin will die now, and im pretty sure michael will do some sort of heroics which will allow him to die, which would be realllly annoying.
its so good trying to work out how the o6 will all come together, when they are in 4 different places (hurley with locke at the orchid, jack with sawyer headed for the orchid, kate and sayid kidnapped, aaron and sun on the boat)
i have a really bad feeling that sawyer might die as well :S really hope not, he has been underused this series, and after the writers strike break he has been the best character for sure.

here is the trailer (no sneak peeks for this episode)

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