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Sunday 2 March 2008


1. Skins S02E03
episode 3 was possibly my favourite ever skins episode. this series has progressively got better and better and the directing, producing and acting has improved loads since series 1. The story was deeply centred around Sid (Mike Bailey), his long distance relationship with Cassie and his family situation. In series 1 i didnt really rate Mike Bailey as an actor, but he has improved so much. Not that i know alot about acting, but this must have been really difficult to pull off, this episode was so focused on him. We barely saw anything of the rest of the group (Tony, Anwar and Sketch for a bit), so he did a great job.
2. shameless s05e09
shameless has been going downhill for a while, still funny, but its lack of kev, veronica, steve, fiona, sheila and lip seemed to mark the end. However, series 5 has been better than series 4, and this episode is the best for a long time. Monica (Anabelle Apsion) is usually really annoying and completely dislikeable character. However, the actress was so good in this episode, it really surprised me. It was a fantastic performance. Also, i found out Kev and Veronica might be returning towasrds the end of series 5! would be quality.

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