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Thursday 13 March 2008


from wikipedia

"The show follows Nick George, whose whole life has been lived in the shadow of the Darling family, but as an adult he's leading the perfect life as an idealistic lawyer, until his father's suspicious death. The absurdly wealthy Darlings of New York have asked him to take over his father's job as their personal lawyer, but the money that will allow him the freedom to be an altruistic do-gooder is only part of the picture. That same money pulls him into the dubious doings of the Darling clan. Power, privilege and family money are a volatile cocktail."

There have been loads of adverts on c4/e4 for this, starts at the end of the month, looks quality imo. Its gonna be tough for me to resist downloading this. If you noticed, the advert features a certain LCD soundsystem song making it all the more exciting for me...

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