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Thursday 2 July 2009

RIP Michael Jackson

As the whole world now knows, Michael Jackson died one week ago today. It was pretty surreal hearing the news at glastonbury, and the jokes came a little too fast i think. Its been pretty much mandatory across the blogosphere to post some form of Jackson tribute, whether blogging about hip-hop, metal, indie, dance, dubstep, punk, i guarantee at least 90% of blogs will have written something about the late King of Pop. I guess that shows, despite the scandals, he was a unifying figure, and no matter what musical taste or background everyone can appreciate his genius.

If you are sick of the gazillion articles/comments in the media about the case and just want to read a select few from the journalistic elite, look no further.
Firstly, Charlie Brooker comments on the media reaction to his death, he is genius as usual. (read)
Secondly, published in the Observer on Sunday, a review by John Peel of Jacksons "Bad" Tour. (read)
and finally, from an up and coming blogger (who just so happens to
be my sister) a short article on Jacksons celebrity in comparison to the "stars" of today. (read)

I was going to post the jail dance Thriller video, but anyone who has ever been on the internet has seen it, so here is Man in the Mirror from the 88 grammy's.

and of course a couple of my favourite mp3ssss
Jackson 5-I Want You Back
Michael Jackson-Don't Stop 'til you Get Enough