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Sunday, 7 December 2008

the eclipse part 2 recap...

nooooooooooooooooo. ok so Sylar was never gonna really die...when I first watched this episode for some reason I thought this was possible, and I also thought Clare might be dead for real. How was I so stupid?

I suppose the huge build up to the eclipse as a major event that would have massive repercussions for the Heroes etc etc made me believe 2 of the biggest characters in the show could be killed of within 10 seconds of each other! Turns out all their powers were just turned back on when the eclipse ended....what a ridiculous anticlimax. If it had happened in the night none of them would have even noticed!! My first opinion of this episode was that it was brilliant, up there with the best Heroes eps, but looking back it reeeaally wasnt that spesh...the fact that alot of the characters reminded me of their season 1 selves may have been a factor in my initial view of the epi.

the episode kicked off by picking up where we left off in Haiti, with Nathans kidnap by the Haitian (i love how we, and Peter!, still call him this, even when they are in Haiti...I wonder if he introduced himself at Primatech as "the haitian") brother. Nathan speaking French was hilarious, as in how bad it was, I really hope this was intentional...The Haitian is such a good character, and has been underused in the whole history of Heroes imo. I'm sure there is a very interesting story to be told about him. The way he killed his brother was horrible, having your memories removed until you cant remeber how to function is pretty dam nasty. Hope we see alot more of him int he big showdown coming up...After Peter and the Haitian busted him out, nathan decided to join Arthur anyway...This was so unbeliveable and illogical. his reasons for going to Pinehearst were so weak, and just didnt make sense! They could at least of had Tracy persuading him, that would have been far more believable. Peter without powers is becoming more and more likeable, and more like the good old Murse of old, whereas Nathan is getting more and more annoying. Nathan (when he appeared) was one of the more intersting aspects of s2, and early s3, with some signs of a complex character developing, but he now seems to have turned into exactly the same character/person he was towards the end of s1...Milo Ventimiglia is an awful actor though haha

Clare was rushed to hospital and drastically felt the effects of never having been ill before, no damn antibodies! sandra is such a good character, but before being faced with the moral dilemna of lying to the police, Clare died. bad times. Lucky for her the eclipse ended just in time and she came back to life. I wonder how long she could be dead, without her power, before its too late to bring her back. HRG spent the episode on a Sylar/Elle hunt. HRG was very much like the mysterious, sinister Arthur Bennett from season 1, and was great ij the whole episode. He is such a brilliant character when used well. After being rudely disturbed, Sylar and Elle hit the supermarket for some plasters, and Sylar tries to make them split already! Elle should have clocked on something was up then already...and then when he shoved her in the lift and sent her away, it may have been another sign that Sylar was not quite 100% committed to their relationship...Elle made a good point whilst getting bandaged up, HRG has all the power during the eclipse, and I guess Sylar being killed showed this, but this could have been developed more....The scene in which Sylar began to slit Noah's throat was awesome and very very interesting. HRG declares "They're not your parents" and claims Angela/Arthur are manipulating Sylar to use a ver powerful weapon on their repsective sides. There was a look of knowing in Elle's eyes when HRG was talking, i think he may be telling the truth. But then again, HRG is equally as capable of manipulation/lying than the Petrelli parents. Hiro then saved the day! "Bad man"! whisking elle and sylar to a random beach, and Clare back in time...I am reserving judgement on the "beach scene" until we discover Elle's fate. She had better not be.

I almost cant be arsed to wirte about Matt/Daphne as their story is becaoming so boring. Daphne had such great potential at the start of the season but the big "secret" surrounding her was such an anticlimax. I thought she was gonna be a murderer or summat. And Matt Parkman's character is systematically getting ruined by the awfully written, horribly unbelievable love story they have. i know I have previously applauded the matchup, but my mind has been 100% changed. Matt (for the last 2 series really) has been such a sap, and I feel I can no longer defend his character, a character i used to love. His hollow bumming of Daphne and insistence that "you are a good person" is so fucking annoying. and stupid!! when he calls her "sweetie" i just want Sylar to swoop in and smash his head open arghghghgh. there is still a chance for redemption for both these characters. if not this volume, then next (both will be in it).

Hiro and Ando on the other and have been reinvogorated towards the end of s3, and (again reminding me of s1, speaking japanese and reading comics) are now the loveable characters of old. Masi Oka is so good at playing Hiro. I hope he stays childlike for a long while!! Seth Green and the other comic book guy were also great, such good cliches of comic book guys!! I wonder who has the final 9th wonder story? this could be v.important.

I cant be arsed to talk about Mohinder, he is so so so so so so so fucking annoying. things: 1) how the hell could he beat up/kill Flint? A huge, aggressive, angry thug vs a wimpy, pathetic scientist? really? 2) is Maya gonna proper come back? seems pointless to have her appearing if shes not...

only 1 bloody sneak peek for next you go..not that exciting tbh

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