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Monday 1 September 2008

friendly fires:s/t

As reported in March,
Friendly Fires are one of the big new bands of the year. Their stock is rising after a handful of festival performances (great at Glasto), and is set to escalate further with the release of their self-titled debut, out today. Tracklisting....

  1. "Jump in the Pool"
  2. "In the Hospital"
  3. "Paris"
  4. "White Diamonds"
  5. "Strobe"
  6. "On Board"
  7. "Lovesick"
  8. "Skeleton Boy"
  9. "Photobooth"
  10. "Ex Lover"

Mostly vastly improved versions of the old demos, along with new single Jump in the Pool, which is brilliant. They are so far ahead of anyone else in the UK indie/electro scene at the moment. Here are their 2 singles; Paris (an indie electro posh boy attempt at a love song, they pull it off), and Jump in the Pool.
Friendly Fires-Paris
Friendly Fures-Jump in the Pool
tour dates this autumn, see them before they get annoyingly radio1 induced huge.
Southampton Joiners (September 24)
Northampton Roadmenders (25)
Hull Adelphi (26)
Liverpool Korova (28)
Preston 53 Degrees (29)
Glasgow King Tut's (30)
York Duchess (October 1)
Manchester Ruby Lounge (2)
Cardiff Clwb Ifor Bach (4)
Oxford Academy (5)
Brighton Audio (6)
London KCLSU (7)

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