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Tuesday 1 April 2008

old skool monday...#4

late :(
"im old school like happy shopper"
this song is soooo good. i wanted a leeds related one, dizzee is playing main stage, and it was on skins yesterday, so fix up was a perfect fit.

""Fix Up, Look Sharp" is the second single from British rapper Dizzee Rascal and the second from his debut album Boy in Da Corner. The single became his second top forty hit and his first to peak inside the top twenty. "Fix Up, Look Sharp" peaked at number seventeen and spent three weeks inside the top forty and five inside the top seventy five. It was featured in the hit documentary Rize. The song heavily samples the main beat and vocals from "The Big Beat" by rock musician Billy Squier."

Fix Up Look Sharp-Dizzee Rascal

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