episode 5 was amazing, desmond is such a legend. here is promo for episode 6-the other woman-juliet flash somewhere...i assume back because they can develop her backstory more i think, on island flashback hopefully...
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episode 5 was amazing, desmond is such a legend. here is promo for episode 6-the other woman-juliet flash somewhere...i assume back because they can develop her backstory more i think, on island flashback hopefully...
Episode 5: Feb. 28
Episode 6: March 6
Episode 7: March 13
Episode 8: March 20
Episode 9: April 24
Episode 10: May 1
Episode 11: May 8
Episode 12: May 15
Episode 13: May 22 (Season Finale)
back to 8 epsodes for this mini-season thing. aparently its coz they want lost, greys anatomy and ugly betty to start the same week, (and the same day i think), so everyone will watch abc. if your a loser and only watch on sky, it will be 3 days after those dates...