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Friday, 29 February 2008

lost episode 6 preview

episode 5 was amazing, desmond is such a legend. here is promo for episode 6-the other woman-juliet flash somewhere...i assume back because they can develop her backstory more i think, on island flashback hopefully...

by steff357


scrubs for series 8?

aparently ABC want to buy the rights to a series 8 of scrubs. previously it had been expected to end after series 7. i dont know what to think of this, the quality of s7 would have to notably improve to make it worthwhile... and im sure zach braff wants to quit anyway-scrubs without JD isnt scrubs anymore.
Read full article

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

lost official schedule

Episode 5: Feb. 28

Episode 6: March 6

Episode 7: March 13

Episode 8: March 20


Episode 9: April 24

Episode 10: May 1

Episode 11: May 8

Episode 12: May 15

Episode 13: May 22 (Season Finale)
back to 8 epsodes for this mini-season thing. aparently its coz they want lost, greys anatomy and ugly betty to start the same week, (and the same day i think), so everyone will watch abc. if your a loser and only watch on sky, it will be 3 days after those dates...


Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Lost sneak peek time

of episode 5 "The constant", Desmond-centric, and it will discuss the whole time-travel thing, i am even more excited than usual for this episode.



dessie is going crazy...

Monday, 25 February 2008


This film is amazing, i thought it might have been overrated, but it wasnt. It is absolutely brilliant, very funny, and with a great supporting cast alongside Ellen Page (worthy of her oscar nomination) and Michael Cera (legend). I love films with small, subtle subplots/ themes, Donnie Darko is the main one i can think of. Obviously, these two films are incomparable, but the stories of Mark and Vanessa (potential adoptive parents) and juno's Dad and stepmum were very well done. It kindof reminded me of Garden State (also an amazing film). The soundtrack was also pretty good, with some quality tunes on. Here are my 2 favourites, Sea of Love was played at the end, just after she gives birth, and Anyone Else But You is the song Juno and Paulie play at the end.
Cat Power-Sea Of Love
The Moldy Peaches-Anyone Else But You

Beginning of the twist-The futureheads

Ive had this for ages now, but seeing as I posted the Kooks new song, i thought i had to post this. After the shambles of their second album, the Futureheads have returned, and returned to the form of some of their first album classics (i.e. meantime, decent days..., hounds of love).
Here is the video, its really good, didnt McFly have a video like this? lol

[mp3] The futureheads-Beginning of the Twist

The Kooks-Always Where I Need To Be

I thought this blog has been too much hip-hop and not enough generic indie and the Kooks have a new song so i thought i'd post it here. When i first heard it on Zane Lowe i got really excited, possibly because he talked about how good it was for about 5 minutes, but listening again im not so sure. See for yourself..and have a listen to a classic Kooks song, 2006 seems so long ago...
New single
See the world


wearing my rolex

wiley's new single, it is something special, and would definately break him into the mainstream if he wanted...
its only a radio rip at the moment but...
there is also a remix by some girl knockin about so ill try and find that


Friday, 22 February 2008

hear me on my beeper

the count & sinden feat. kid sister-beeper. what a tune


download here


Tuesday, 19 February 2008

skins episode 3

episode 2 was pretty good, sketch was quality!! looks like shes still shagging anwar, and a welcome return for sids mum and dad! and angie! 4 new clips from the next episode, none are spoilerish...
Series ll Episode 3 preview

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N.E.R.D are back

...with a brand new single. and its goood. they have announced they are playing one show in the summer at Brixton Academy, as well as the IOW festival, and their rumoured for glasto! They are also supporting Kanye on his "glow in the dark" tour in North America, along with Lupe and Rihanna.
(right click--> save target as)
This remix is also very good


Thursday, 14 February 2008

release date and tracklisting for narrow stairs

just a day after i post about it as a "definate track" and casino blues isnt on it. but bring on may the 13th!!!

from pitchfork
"You need dexterity to navigate Narrow Stairs, but all you'll get here is a tracklist and a release date to help you through Death Cab for Cutie's previously reported sixth full-length studio offering.Stairs follows up 2005's Plans and descends May 13 on Atlantic, according to a report. This thing packs in 11 tracks, boasting typically heavy-handed titles like "I Will Possess Your Heart", "You Can Do Better Than Me (But I Can't Do Better Than You)", and the truly devastating "Your New Twin Size Bed". Death Cab, you slay me.UPDATE: Apparently, the tracklist reported on and printed below is not yet finalized.
Also, the first single is slated to be "I Will Possess Your Heart".Opening track "Bixby Canyon Bridge" apparently clocks in at nine minutes, so you may want to save that one for the end of your mixtapes. A Narrow Stairs tour, meanwhile, is inevitable but not yet announced. For now, we'll have to settle for appearances at Coachella and Bonnaroo.In other news from camp Death (ooh, spooky!), Chris Walla's Field Manual is on shelves now, and a digital version of Ben Gibbard's Kurt Cobain: About a Son score with Steve Fisk will be arriving shortly (with a vinyl version to follow, er, longly). Narrow Stairs:
01 Bixby Canyon Bridge
02 I Will Possess Your Heart
03 No Sunlight
04 Cath
05 Talking Bird
06 You Can Do Better Than Me (But I Can't Do Better Than You)
07 Grapevine Fires
08 Your New Twin Size Bed
09 The Remainder
10 Pity and Fear
11 The Ice Is Getting Thinner

Cute Cab...of DEATH!!!:"

i am so excited, less than 3 months!!!

the writers strike is over!!

what it means for LOST
8 episodes that were planned for air has been cut to 7 (ending on march 13 (uSA), sunday after on skyone)
then episode 8 + 5 new (post writers strike) episodes will air from april the 26th onwards. aparently the 5 episodes will contain 8 episodes worth of stuff, so the already action packed season 4 will become even more action packed. very good news!

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

narrow stairs!!!

as promised ive ripped some of bens acoustic videos from his solo tour last year, and uploaded the mp3s in anticipation of death cabs 6th album.
casino blues is definately going to be on the album, it is the weakest of the 3 i have, but its a grower, and is a nice change in direction from plans.
cath is quite typical of bens songwriting, i.e. amazing
the ice is getting thinner is the best of the 3 i think, although the chords sound very similar to "different names for the same thing".
"i will possess your heart" is aparently also on the album , and is an epic song in the mould of stability, transatlantiscm, line of best fit etc, but unsurprisingly ben didnt play it on his solo tour, so there is no "demo" as such.

casino blues
the ice is getting thinner
all 3

take this, haterzzzzzz

daft punk make their first ever live television appearance at the grammy's to perform on stronger with kanye west.

brilliant, i thought it couldnt be beaten, but he played hey mama after it. i have posted before about how much i love this song. this version is stunning.